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Rebolt Kit Pt 1: Action/breech screws.

The 13xx and 22xx breech/action screw options. Left to right: hacksaw modded factory screw, aftermarket screw, factory allen head.

To procede deeply into the working parts of the 22xx and 13xx guns it is necessary to buy some tools. The first specialty tool one needs is an allen wrench to remove the action. If you have waxed over the breech screw you first need to remove the wax and the paper base.

A 0.050 inch or 1.27mm allen wrench is required to remove the screw. Be certain to seat the wrench deep into the screw so as to not round out the hole and press down on the action when loosening the screw. If the hole does get rounded you can sometimes force a star wrench into the hole and back the screw out. The factory screw has a reputation of rounding out. You can continue to use the factory screw or replace or reshape the screw. One option is to purchase a 4-48 replacement screw from A. C. Custom Mods. Another option is to cut a slot in the existing screw as is outlined in the photos below.

It is difficult to cut exactly in the center, but the asymmetrical screw head still works well.

It is obviously important to not cut all the way through the head.

Shoot Smart. Shoot Safely.

Poorman Plinker

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