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Hidden Screw Breech

This is a photo of a standard breech with an Allen head breech screw. If you are like me you have had trouble with the pellets turning in the breech screw hole. Crosman has remedied this problem with a "hidden screw breech." That metal hidden screw breech is available on Custom Shop guns and certain export models. You can replicate that breech with the use of a birthday candle, a bit of toilet paper and a suitable scraper.

I have used larger candles but found the wax flow hard to control. The birthday candle produces smaller drops and reduces the amount of excess wax in the breech. The less you have to scrape the less messy the job is.

I use a 1/4 inch dowel to scrape away the excess wax but any suitable curved item could be used to produce a smooth surface. I use slotted breech screws and have had not problem removing the wax from the slot or the screw from the breech. If you are using the allen head screw I would suggest you place a tiny bit of toilet paper in the hole first to prevent wax from entering the hole and to make the wax easier to remove.

Shoot smart. Shoot safely.

Poorman Plinker

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